Proudly Serving the Western Slopes Region of Vermont


We are a Richmond, Bolton & Huntington, VT painting company.
Bolton Potholes

Bolton Potholes - Our Favorite Swimming Spot!

Our Services:

Exterior Painting & Staining
We specialize in all aspects of Exterior Repainting & Staining. We excel at whole house repaints and know what it takes to provide your home with…more
Lead-Safe Painting
We are fully lead-certified, are experts at following the rules, and have developed the tools & methods to get your job done efficiently...more
Commercial & Property Maintenance
We can help you handle the daunting task of planning & executing paint work maintenance on your buildings...more
Power/Pressure Washing
If you’re ready to rejuvenate your home, our power washing service serves as the perfect initial step to ensure a beautiful, long-lasting finish….more
Deck Staining & Maintenance
We utilize customized cleaning chemicals and a high-volume, moderate-pressure power washing technique to gently, yet powerfully, clean, restore, and…more

Green Mountain Painters Proudly serves the Western Slopes Region communities of Richmond, Bolton, and Huntington VT. We love working for homeowners in these communities because we know they care deeply about their homes and quality of life, and are willing to take the time to select a truly quality & value-oriented contractor such as ourselves to help them protect their investment. Our shared passion for the Vermont quality of life and protecting & beautifying homes always makes for an excellent service experience for both us and our valued clients. We offer Exterior House Painting, Commercial & PM Paint Maintenance Services, Deck Staining & Power Washing in Richmond, Bolton & Huntington.

Vermont Farm Bureau Exterior Repaint
Featured Richmond, Bolton, Huntington Vermont Project:

Vermont Farm Bureau Exterior Repaint